In the heart of Le Petit-Andely, a village that dates back to the 12th century and the construction of Château-Gaillard, the Gothic Saint Sauveur Church, with its Greek cross plan, dates back to the 13th century and its porch to the 15th century. Take time to admire the significant furniture it holds: stained glass windows, statues, retables, 16th century frescoes (choir) and the 17th century pipe organ made by Ingoult, one of the oldest ones in France that still works. The 47-metre-high (154 ft) wood and slate spire, which had been destroyed during a storm in 1973 and rebuilt to its original appearance, draws an impressive, slender silhouette and shapes the identity of the Petit-Andely neighbourhood.
Practical Information
Supervised activity
Groups accepted
Languages spoken
- Free parking
- Tarifs min. (en €) Tarifs max. (en €)
- Free for all
Payment method
- Postal or bank cheques
- Cash
- De 09:00 à 19:00